REVIEW : Beauty Labo Hair Color in Pure Beige

by - Saturday, August 15, 2015

Hi! It's been a while since my last hairdye review, now I'm back with a new one, still featuring Japanese products by Kawaii Beauty Japan! This time is Beautylabo Hair Color in Pure Beige!

Back then I had light brown hair but then I dyed it black. It was an accident actually, I wanted a darker hair so I bought dark brown hair dye but the color turned into pitch black instead ffff. And it's so hard to remove that goddamn black, I've dyed my hair twice and the black dye just won't go *sobs*

Lesson learned, be careful of dyeing your hair dark especially if you're someone who easily gets bored with particular hair color, cuz it's difficult to dye it again once you dye it black.

 Now I really miss my brown hair and I want it back , so let's see how this hair dye perform

Beautylabo is a hairdye brand from Japan, and they recently hit Indonesian market, Beautylabo used to be popular for their whip hair dye, and now they have the cream-type hair dye. There are 6 colors available in Indonesia, and my color of choice is Pure Beige

Like most Japanese beauty products, it comes with  attractive & cheerful box design, and the best part is, with Kumicky as the model, super kawaii!

Anyway, Kumicky recently visited Jakarta for Miss Kawaii Contest at GJUI, did anyone meet her? I missed the event because I went to Popcon instead T_T

And these are stuffs that you'll get inside the box :

 Developer Cream (2), Nozzle, Colorant Cream (1), Instruction Leaflet, Gloves.

Usually DIY hairdye kit includes after-color treatment/conditioner, but it seems like Beautylabo forgot this one ._.

Pure Beige is a medium brown color with a hint of ash/beige tone, it has 4 stars of lightness level, so the color is quite bright, especially on very light/bleached hair.

 But since my current hair is dark (left chart) I expect the outcome color would be still dark with a little hint of color, and the beige tone wouldn't be visible.

Beautylabo warns us to perform allergy test 48 hours prior dyeing and to stop using the product once any allergy reaction is seen. I always skip allergy test (lol my bad), I only did it once when I dyed my hair for the very first time and I never do it again ever since. So yeah, you can skip the procedure at your own risk.

Make sure you're prepared before starting the dye process (wear ugly T-Shirt, cover your neck with towel or plastic cover, do not wash your hair prior dyeing.)


STEP 1 - Wear the gloves, squeeze the Cream Colorant (1) into Cream Developer bottle (2)
STEP 2 - Secure the bottle with the cap

STEP 3 - Shake the bottle vigorously until the Cream Colorant and Cream Developer is mixed well.
STEP 4 - Replace the cap with nozzle. Nozzle tip will help to apply the hair color directly from the bottle.

Using hands or hair dye comb for more even application. start applying the dye at hair ends, working upwards to the roots. Roots are done last because they are very quick to absorb color, while hair tip/shaft is usually the hardest to dye. Doing this will avoid having hot roots , a condition where your roots are a lot lighter than the rest of your hair.

Cream-type hair dye is difficult to use, compared with bubble hair dye, so I asked my mom to help me with parts I couldn't reach such as back of my head and inner parts of my hair.

Roots are on faiyaahhh~

After whole hair is covered, I waited for 30 minutes, rinsed it with warm water and washed my hair with shampoo. Like most hairdye do to my hair, my hair become dry and stiff, so conditioner/treatment mask is a must. But unfortunately Beautylabo didn't provide hair treatment or else, so I had to use my own conditioner. I used Kracie Ichikami Treatment Mask, which I've reviewed here before, to restore my hair condition and to prevent further damage.


Sorry for my messy hair, I just woke up when I took the picture lol . As you can see at the before picture, my hair color is dark brown. After I dyed my hair black, months later it faded a little into a reddish brown, then I dyed it again with light brown but it didn't work, I was kind of pissed off so I tried to fade the stubborn color by washing my hair with Sulfate shampoo lol,  thus my hair color become uneven like this.

After I dye my hair with BeautyLabo, my hair lightens a little, but the result is uneven lol.  Some parts are finally turning into light brown, but dark patches are still visible at some parts too. I understand why this happens, it's probably because my hair color had been uneven from the start.
As expected before, on my dark hair, Pure Beige turn more into golden brown rather than beige, the beige tone would probably show up better on bleached hair though.

I actually like the color when the sun hits my hair like this one, after a few washes the color become even lighter too. 

So here is the before-after close up, as you can see in the pic Beautylabo successfully turned some parts of my hair into light brown, though some parts of it remains dark. I probably need to color my hair again to get rid of the dark patches. But overall I'm quite pleased with the result, at least now my hair has some golden sheen to it lol Brown hair makes my skin look more radiant too, well I personally think I look older with dark color ^^'


* Available locally 
(You can find Beautylabo at some supermarkets and drugstores like Carrefour, Watsons & Guardian) 
* Affordable (only IDR 50-60k)
* Has various color selections
* Cute packaging
 * Lightens hair quite well
* Has a subtle scent of ammonia but compared to other hairdyes I've used before, it's not strong.



* Uneven result
* Not so easy to use (well, it's cream hairdye after all..)
* No after color treatment included 




I think Beautylabo did a good job, despite being an affordable hairdye, it's able to lighten my stubborn dark hair. It doesn't dry my hair as much, and the ammonia smell isn't too overwhelming. The only thing that's missing is the after-color treatment, so you need to use your own treatment product.

Beautylabo could be a good option if you're looking for  an affordable hair dye, or for an easy and quick option to change your image. Hair color could give remarkable impact to your overall appearance, so if you're bored with your hair, just give it a try ^^

Just a little suggestion, to prevent haircolor from fading quickly and turned brassy, avoid using shampoo with sulfate --> he's the culprit why haircolor fades quicky into ugly yellowish tone. After I found out about it, I became concern on this particular ingredient, not only I don't want it in my shampoo but also body wash too, if possible.

Sulfate is a strong cleansing agent, it makes our shampoo and body wash bubbly and foamy, but it also strips away the natural oils from our skin and hair, that means it strips away our hair color too. Learn more about sulfate and the impact to the hair here -->

So, do you think I look better with dark hair or light brown hair?

Thank you Kawaii Beauty Japan for the product!

See you on the next post,

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  1. Wah warnanya keluar bgt ya.
    Di aku gak cukup 1 box, alhasil blentang blentong :D .Tp tetep suka sm warnanya.
    Mau warnain lg dgn produk yg ini, biar warna ny rata.
    Trnyata murah jg ya 60K, aku kirain nyampe 100K. Soalny d sini sktar 70K-80k.

    1. Iyaa di aku juga blentang blentong ga rata kok, di beberapa bagian aja yg terang huhu.
      Iya di tmptku sih sekitar 50an, 60 deh paling mentoknya. Beberapa ol shop memang ada yg jual sampe 100

  2. Cocok banget warnanya sama facemu yg jepang banget~

  3. Mau nanyaa dong, kan katanya harus dites dulu 48 jam sebelum pemakaian, itu berarti yang didalem botol itu setelah dicampur masih tahan selama 48 jam? Trus kalo mau ngetesnya dibagian mana yaa? Mohon infonya, terimakasihh

    1. Ngga dicampur sebotol2nya, ambil sedikit dari masing2 botol (colorant & developer) trus pake cotton bud oles aja sedikit di bagian lengan dalam, and wait for 48 hours to see the reaction.

  4. Just used this too... dan urgh, nggak rata. Hahaha. Entah akunya yang dodol cara pakainya atau gimana, rambutku jadi ombre 😂😂

  5. Very pretty ♡♡♡. And you are so cute (reminds me of that girl in LazyCooking on webtoon) :D

  6. Very pretty ♡♡♡. And you are so cute (reminds me of that girl in LazyCooking on webtoon) :D

  7. You're not looks like Indonesian. Me too :D
    Your hair & face is very kawaii btw.

  8. Amazing review! :)

  9. Amazing review! :)


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