OUTFIT : Straight Outta 70's

by - Thursday, November 02, 2017

How are you? Long time no see. I guess it's my longest absence from this blog, 4 months isn't it? and it's kinda awkward to be here again.

Honestly, a while back I have decided to stop blogging. Mainly because I no longer feel the overflowing passion like I did back then, and I kinda lost direction of where my blog would go. But still in my heart, I couldn't let it go completely. There's still a part of me that wants to go back. Sounds pretty much like moving on from ex, right? LOL

Since reviewing product takes time, I think I'm just gonna drop a quick post here.  I've been thinking of making outfit-related post aside of makeup and beauty reviews. I love fashion and I recently took a lot of outfit pictures but I usually post in on Instagram only, and I thought why not post it on blog also?

And this is what I wore last Sunday. Just a casual lunch time with my family. I recently bought a few items from Pomelo : striped tops and aviator! And it's such a funny coincidence that the top I'm wearing here is called Evan (my boyfriend's name)  Just noticed it a few minutes ago when I looked up at Pomelo website! 😂

I was thinking on how should I wear the top and I remember I have white, wide leg pants that I rarely wear, so I paired my striped top with it. And boom, when I look in the mirror, I look like I come straight outta 1970 😂  It was unintentional though. Wide-leg pants are quite popular recently, pair it with casual t-shirt or plain tops, it will instantly spice up the overall look. It also makes you look a lot taller! Cheat approved 💯

Talking about my fashion style, I don't think I can find the exact words to describe it, but I always stick to casual, effortless and affordable outfit. I personally love Japanese street style, but it's not always applicable in daily life. I switch to different styles at times depending on the occasion, and mood also plays an important role. 😉

The aviator adds the extra 70's vibe, doesn't it?

Say hi to my squishy belly rolls!
All my life I always avoid wearing sleeveless top or anything that exposes my arms & pits. Simply because I've always been insecure of my body. My arms are super flabby and I don't have that flawless, insta-worthy armpits too lol. But then my friends gave me sleeveless turtle neck top for my birthday. It's so cute and I thought it would be a waste if it just sits in my closet so I decided to give it a try.

And I swear it was a very liberating experience. I just realised in that moment, when I throw away all my anxiety and stop worrying about what other people think of me, I can discover new parts of myself that I didn't know before. Confidence sure feels good.
Mungkin ketek w ga semulus ketek Gal Gadot. Gapapa, yang penting ketek w adem

Wide Pants // @whitelabel_id
Shoes // Roepi
Aviator // Pomelo Fashion

Ending this post with this candid picture that I like so much. So in love with the vintage tone here! (I edited it btw lol. I tried to apply the same editing modes to other pictures, but not all pictures turn as good as this one)

All pictures are taken by my brother using Fujifilm XA-2. Kudos to him for that! 😆

So, what do you think? Let me know by commenting below. If you like it, I'm gonna do more outfit post in the future 😁

Bye for now.

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